Hi, I’m Ron Percuoco and I’d like to welcome you to my website. I hope your reading this is the beginning of...

The Sun Burned Bright and Hot is not only the title of my book, but also the title of the first poem...

One of the first decisions a poet must make is what person or voice to write his poem in. The first person...

RHYME For most of recorded history, poetry has rhymed. Whether at the end of a line or within the same line, poems...

I am very happy to announce that this fall my first book of poetry will be coming out. The title is The...


O God You gave me the power to speak and a healthy body to carry it out. Let me always sing your praises and that of the glorious nature you created. May I write words of healing and kindness for the wounded souls in this imperfect world. May my words make others laugh and sing and shout for joy. O God guide my hand
