Hi, I’m Ron Percuoco and I’d like to welcome you to my website. I hope your reading this is the beginning of a long and meaningful relationship with you, the reader. If you are like many readers, you have shied away from poetry because it is too flowery or too difficult to understand. In fact, I share those sentiments myself. That is why you will be able to understand the meaning or message of most of my poems on first reading.

I hope to stimulate you intellectually, move you emotionally and uplift you spiritually. My poems are a mixture of serious and humorous subjects. I hope the serious ones make you contemplate the deeply important issues of your life. And of course, I hope the humorous ones bring a smile to your face and make you chuckle.

Before television, radio and the internet, people used to sit around campfires and fireplaces and listen to the songs and poems of their tribes and heroes. The songs and poems were a form of entertainment. Yes! But they were much more. They were the way that the people of the village or tribe, bonded together and forged a common destiny. Today we are a more solitary people. We communicate mostly by means of electronic devices, often by ourselves. Because of this trend, one of my goals in this book of poetry I am writing is developing a community of readers online.

I hope that my poems touch you where you live and make you want to reach out to others. Finally, I hope my book of poems and essays makes you want to write down your thoughts and feelings either to benefit yourself or to enrich the lives of others. You don’t have to be an accomplished poet. You just have to be an honest person who wants to share your innermost world.

Before you start to write, read my short essays:(1) On Modern Poetry (2) The Poetic Voice (3) The Elegy (4) What Makes A Poem A Poem (5) Why Do People Write Poems. They should give you some reassurance as you begin your literary journey. Good luck!

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